Construction Service Key Facts tenant fit-outs equipped area Service Repositioning and implementation of concept im obersten Preissegment Creation of tenant fit-out planning and general construction description with cost accounting Tendering, placing, site management and acceptance of fit-out works for [...]
Construction service | Dusseldorf
Jennifer Abraham2016-10-12T12:16:28+02:00Construction Service Key Facts tenant fit-outs equipped area Service Implementation of repositioning concept Creation of tenant fit-out planning and general construction description with cost accounting Tendering, placing, site management and acceptance of fit-out works for the tenant [...]
Construction service | Dusseldorf
Jennifer Abraham2016-10-12T12:16:30+02:00Construction Service Key Facts tenat fit-out equipped area Service Gutting of existing property and preparation for tenant fit-out Rossmann Tenant fit-out Rossmann according to standard construction description Fire safety redevelopment and installation of mechanical smoke extraction system [...]
Refurbishment ⎪ Dusseldorf
Jennifer Abraham2016-10-12T12:16:30+02:00Refurbishment Barbaraplatz [baslider name="Barbarabplatz"] Lobby office building [baslider name="Lobby"] Elevator lobbies [baslider name="Etage"] Entrance office building [baslider name="Brohaus"] Rooftop terrace marketing suite [baslider name="Terrasse"] Service Repositioning and implementation of concept Creation of tenant fit-out planning and general construction description with cost [...]